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13 Reasons Why WordPress Is Ideal For Startups

  • By Agira Technologies
  • June 24, 2021

Startups and entrepreneurs are generally flush with ideas but cash-strapped. In general, most entrepreneurs recognize that having an online presence is critical to turning their concept into a viable business. A website is a handy and cost-effective way to describe their ideas, put out a plan to implement them, and keep all stakeholders up to date on their progress. The ideal solution for startups is WordPress.

In the early phases, entrepreneurs use the website to reach out to job seekers, investors, suppliers, and potential consumers to generate buzz and build anticipation for the launch. As a business grows, the website transforms into a marketing resource for its product or service. 

Choosing the proper Content Management System for your website may be challenging with so many options available. We’ll look at 13 reasons why WordPress is ideal for startups and entrepreneurs in this blog.

1. Reliable

WordPress is a tried-and-true open-source platform with thousands of expert coders, testers, and developers backing it up. It is currently the most popular Content Management Service on the internet. It’s been around for almost a decade, is used by millions of websites, and has undergone extensive development. 

2. Free

What could be more appealing to a cash-strapped company than the fact that WordPress is available for free? Simultaneously, it begs the question, “What’s the catch?” Like Wikipedia and Ubuntu, WordPress is free because it is open source, which means nobody owns it. 

The GNU General Public License governs the use of WordPress. This means that anyone may use WordPress to create as many websites as they wish. WordPress users also access free updates, thousands of free themes, and the WordPress directory’s 50,000+ plugins. The ready-to-use free themes and plugins provide users a head start, allowing them to save time and money.

The WordPress software, as well as thousands of themes and plugins, are all available for free. However, this does not imply that you may run a website for free. Other costs associated with maintaining a website include domain names, hosting, and possible modifications. These fees aren’t specific to WordPress; they apply to all Content Management Systems.

3. Easy To Migrate

Many businesses are unsure about the technologies and software necessary for their website and are hesitant to invest money on tools they don’t understand. They’ll also be tethered to the software service provider for upgrades and maintenance. Moving to a different platform afterward might be a pain, as all of your data is usually tied to the previous program.

Fortunately, that is not the case with WordPress; with a self-hosted WordPress installation, your data is your own. As a result, you have the option of migrating from WordPress to any other platform while keeping all of your data. Furthermore, there is a big pool of WordPress expertise available to assist you.

4. Works for Any Business Type

Let’s put this bogey to rest once and for all. WordPress is not just for blogs. Yes, it started as a blogging platform, but it has since evolved to serve as a website platform. You can use it for,

  • Websites for corporations or businesses
  • Websites for portfolios
  • Shops on the internet
  • Websites that provide news
  • Sites for members
  • Websites of hotels

That list is only indicative. You can use a WordPress website to create NGOs’ websites, forums, applications and even generate money. Additionally, WordPress includes a blog feature that you may utilize in conjunction with your website.

5. Works for eCommerce

The famous WooCommerce plugin is the most popular eCommerce platform on the web, and it can power any online store. If your online store requires more functionality, you’ll appreciate the hundreds of free and paid extensions available. WooCommerce can let you sell any goods or service quickly and easily. 

If you’re selling downloaded items, the Easy Digital Downloads plugin will come in handy.

WordPress is ideal For startups

6. Responsive Web Design

The number of individuals using mobile devices to access the internet has surpassed people using desktop computers. Furthermore, you should be aware that Google does not like websites that are not mobile-friendly when it comes to mobiles.

You don’t have to be concerned. WordPress has you covered. While WordPress’s technology is compatible with creating mobile-friendly web pages, it also includes a variety of free and paid themes that scale automatically to the size of the user’s screen. Official iOS and Android mobile applications can display WordPress sites on mobile devices. 

Don’t you think WordPress is ideal for startups?

7. Supports SEO 

WordPress comes pre-configured to be search engine friendly. WordPress handles the better portion of search engine optimization.

Not only that, but there is a slew of plugins that may assist you in optimizing your SEO. It’s crucial to note that search engine results depend on a lot more than just the CMS. And you can be relatively assured that if you’re losing ground in the rankings, it’s not because you’re using WordPress as your content management system.

8. WordPress is Extensible with Plugins

Different websites have distinct requirements. Some people want to sell items, while others want to create engaging communities, yet others seek the ideal landing page. WordPress provides a fundamental framework for all types of websites, allowing them to add features as they go. You can use separate plugins to add these features and custom code to add functions if you like.

Also, you can select from over 50000 free plugins in the WordPress plugins repository to do most of the activities you want. You may also use third-party paid plans in addition to the free plugins. As a result, WordPress is a very expandable platform.


The free plugins are not only a fantastic complement to a new business’s website, but they also allow them to add features as and when they are needed, rather than having to prepare for every need upfront. For example, you may not require a Live Chat option on your website at first, but you can easily add a plugin to provide this service if the need arises later.

9. Scale-Up Your Business

Most startups are unsure of their future growth at first. They run a tight ship and keep everything under wraps. However, if their concept takes off, they’ll need the space to develop and flourish. WordPress is an excellent match for them since it allows them to start small and expand to operate large enterprises spanning several nations and continents. 

The Walt Disney Company and Mercedes-Benz use WordPress to power their websites. WordPress can be installed on nearly any server, from a low-cost shared hosting package to a high-end dedicated server. It works equally well for tiny blogs and large corporations.

10. Secure

Any website’s security is a big concern, primarily when you exchange money or sensitive information. WordPress is a safe platform, as evidenced by prominent and well-known names like The Obama Foundation and NGinx utilize it.

You should know about security because no platform is entirely secure, and hackers are always on the lookout. Because of its growing popularity, WordPress has become a frequent target for hackers. However, with WordPress, you’re in reasonably safe hands. That’s because the WordPress team is always on the lookout for security risks. The WordPress community, which is large and active, is very fast to disclose security issues.

11. User Friendly

The best feature of WordPress is its user-friendliness. You may construct web pages using a user-friendly interface without understanding any coding. Using WordPress is as simple as using any other word processor. Yes, knowing some basic code is beneficial, especially when troubleshooting.

12. Smooth Workflow

WordPress comes with a variety of user roles, each with its own set of features. By establishing suitable user roles, each member of a team may be allowed varying levels of access. And if the built-in user roles are not appropriate to your team, you can simply create a new user and assign them the capabilities you desire.   If you operate with a multi-author blog, managing the editing workflow becomes a breeze.

13. Helps with Branding

While the default WordPress page may appear to be relatively conventional, many themes are available. It also includes a lot of modification options that allow you to match the pages with your brand. You can almost modify every aspect using the customizable panel, including colors, logos, and fonts. Before you save the changes, you may examine them in preview mode. Also, WordPress aids in the online representation of your brand. You should now agree that WordPress is ideal for startups.

All of the factors above should persuade you to choose WordPress for your website. It’s a great way to get a website up and running quickly and for a low cost.

Furthermore, WordPress has a bright future ahead of it. With the launch of the REST API, third-party apps will be easier to integrate, and new possibilities will emerge. These are the reasons why WordPress is ideal for startups and companies of any size. So, hire the best WordPress Developers now.

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