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The Timeline Of 25 Successful Years Of JavaScript

  • By Agira Technologies
  • February 24, 2021

Javascript is turning 25 this year. There won’t be an any better time to tell the motivating success story of JavaScript hurdling over the years. If you know the rough beginning of JavaScript, you would wonder how it becomes the most common programming language in use for seven consecutive years, with 67.8% of developers employing it in 2019. 

About 95.2% of websites that is approximately 1.52 billion websites today, use Javascript in their development. Some of the world’s largest companies and social media giants like Facebook and YouTube use Javascript. They also mention the considerable part of Javascript in the development and the popularity of the application.  Its rise as the world’s most common programming language is synonymous with the height of the Internet itself.

So, the following article briefs the story of JavaScript through a timeline from day one till today. 

The Timeline Of The Evolution Of Javascript

1995 -1996 – Creation of JavaScript

May 1995 – Brendan Eich from Netscape created Javascript in 10 days to make web pages more dynamic for their web browser Netscape Navigator. The main aim of Javascript is to assist Java and make the web more interactive. The first code name of the language was Mocha, and it was then called LiveScript in the Netscape Navigator 2.0 betas. 

Dec 5, 1995 – In Netscape Navigator beta 3.0, Netscape and Sun Microsystems finally named it JavaScript.

Nov 21, 1996 – The beginning of JavaScript Standardization 

Netscape realizes that JavaScript needs to be standardized and submits a proposal to ECMA International. Brendan Eich later shares the story behind this at an industry conference.

1997-1999 – ECMAScript Is Born

Jun 1, 1997 –  The rapid growth of Javascript led to its first edition of ECMA-262. ECMA is an association that standardizes computing to appropriately maintain and manage JavaScript language. The first version of ECMAScript includes a consistent set of instructions for the introduction of the JavaScript language. The ECMA specifications were labeled ECMA-262, and ECMAScript languages included JavaScript, JScript, and ActionScript.

2005 – Jesse James Garrett introduces Ajax

Feb 18, 2005 – Even though Ajax was founded in 1999, the paper published by Jesse James Garrett coined the term. Ajax took user experience to another level by making it more effortless and efficient at the same time. This revolutionary paper stood as a backbone to the JavaScipt community and exposed it as a professional programming language. The ever increasing community led to many javascript frameworks, tools and libraries.

Aug 30, 2005 – The ever increasing community led to many javascript frameworks, tools and libraries. Dojo Toolkit 0.1 was released.


Jan 14, 2006 – Initial version of jQuery, a JavaScript library that makes it easier to navigate and manipulate the HTML DOM was released. 

Apr 15, 2007 – Ext JS 1.0 released

Nov 8, 2009 – Ryan Dahl introduces Node JS,  an open source cross platform javascript run time environment for executing server side javascript code at JSConf 2009. This led way to the hypothetical JavaScript Everywhere paradigm to become a reality.

Jan 29, 2009 – The CommonJS project set out to describe and facilitate JavaScript development beyond the browser by using modules to provide usable code and features for the kit. This opened the way for Node.js to run JavaScript without browser as an environment. Javascript  that ran the front end of the internet, was able to reach the servers behind the scenes.

Jan 12, 2010 – Isaac Schlueter invents a new package manager for JavaScript.

Oct 20,2010 – Angular JS and Backbone JS were introduced.

Oct 1, 2012 – Typescript, the superset of Javascript was introduced by microsoft to make javascript a perfect fit for large scale development.

May 29, 2013 –  Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke introduce React at JSConf US 2013 as an open-source project. 

Feb 11, 2014 – Vue JS was released by Evan You.

Sept 14, 2016 – Angular was released.

Apr 13, 2017 – Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke introduced React at JSConf US 2013. 

Oct 25, 2018 – React Hooks announced.

Apr 22, 2019 – Svelte 3 relased.

May 13, 2020 – Deno finally gets its first public release.

From its somewhat shaky beginning, JavaScript has become the most popular programming language globally. According to GitHub’s 2018 Octoverse report, there are more repositories of JavaScript code than any other language and that amount is increasingly increasing.

A variety of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as Ember, Angular, React, and Vue, have been built. This lets developers to write powerful and complex web applications in a short period of time using small teams. It is now possible to write native mobile applications using JavaScript along with client and server applications. 

It’s become more common because of the potential to exchange code between the mobile worlds and the internet. Whatever the next big thing is, it’s obvious that JavaScript will be with us for many years to come.

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