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10 Tips To Increase Online Purchases On Your Retail Sites

  • By Agira Technologies
  • May 17, 2021

Are you considering, or do you have an e-commerce solution for your website? In that case, you’re searching for opportunities to improve the value it provides to your consumers and increase revenue. Here is the list of the top ten ways to improve your e-commerce. Increase customer loyalty, improve order size, repeat orders, and increase revenue, with the following ideas. 

1. Minimize the Number of Steps

When it comes to shopping online, people are impatient. You don’t want a lot of moves or a lot of trouble. In reality, having so many steps in the order process is one of the leading causes of shopping cart abandonment. So, try to keep the checkout process to one stage.

Any longer and you’ll almost certainly see a high rate of shopping cart abandonment. While these missed sales do not cost you much in terms of costs, they cost you a lot in lost sales. You might lose both the sale and potential sales due to poor word-of-mouth that will significantly affect your company’s development.

2. Up-sell and Cross-sell

If you have an online shopping system in your restaurant, supplying consumers with in-cart tips on other menu options helps in conversion. They would prefer based on their original purchase, such as recommending a side salad to go with their burger, which will help you boost per ticket order totals and overall revenue.

Do you have any offers aimed at vehicle owners who like doing their detailing? Why not recommend a more significant size polishing when they add the tire and wheel cleaning product to their cart? A well-thought up-sell and cross-sell plan boost revenue. Also, it will increase the overall order value. That would further raise the number of orders placed in the future.

You will open consumers to more of your brands and improve order loyalty by supplying them with other choices they would not have noticed (which will increase positive word-of-mouth advertising).

3. Loyalty/Rewards Program

The loyalty program is potentially counterproductive because it teaches your consumers to expect a freebie for every order and that the freebie will improve as their orders grow.

However, a well-designed loyalty scheme that rewards consumers with points that one can use as the following.

  • A discount or add-on offers 
  • Free delivery on every fifth order or provides 
  • A small gift for orders above a certain amount 

The above can increase consumer satisfaction and encourage regular online orders.

4. User-Centric Messaging

A website must provide visitors with reasons for taking the purchasing acts you want. This demand ensures that the website must have compelling value propositions that explain why customers should purchase from you and the unique benefits your product or solution can provide.

You want your message to elicit a response from your guests by connecting with them, motivating them, and inspiring them to take action. To put it another way, don’t make your website for yourself. Make it about how you’ll add value to the tourists’ experience. Also, don’t assume that “user-centric marketing” refers only to the website copy. It also contains personalized photography, animations, and free guides, among other things.

5. Calls-to-Action

An e-commerce website without solid calls-to-action will not drive revenue, just as a sleek, thrilling vehicle without an engine will not get you anywhere. The “Add to Cart” button on the product/service page is obviously the most critical call-to-action on an e-commerce website.

This button should be easy to locate, and one should consider several places inside the product/service listing.  Your up-sell and cross-sell notifications – both as consumers, add goods and as they check out – are the second most relevant calls to action. Use an excellent tool for growing customer interest and awareness of the product ran and as sales.

However, there are several calls-to-action you may have on your e-commerce website that, while they might not immediately result in sales, can undoubtedly help to boost sales over time by taking the website visitors along the process.

Place your phone number prominently on your website, invite guests to join your email list at different sites, use contact forms/requests for more details, and even use a Live Chat tool as examples of more passive calls-to-action. The argument is that the more ways your users will connect with you, the better your e-commerce website can do.

6. Custom Photography

Let’s take a look at our restaurant example once more. Consider your own online grocery shopping impressions. Which restaurant would you like to order from: the one that has a PDF of their take-out menu or the one that has a menu of mouth-watering, craving images that make you want to press “Add”?

If you’re a hotel, a consumer retailer, or a high-end electronics maker, custom photographs of your customers using your goods will send a deeper message and highlight your products like no stock photography ever will. Since consumers are more involved and confidence levels are higher, this would result in higher revenue.

7. On-page Customer Testimonials

A testimonial from a happy buyer, whether you sell to companies, clients, or both, is one of the most powerful means of brand contact for maintaining reputation, creating trust, and increasing purchasing decision faith. We, as buyers, want confirmation that our buying decision was sound, just as we do in many other aspects of life. 

You will offer this validation to new buyers by including testimonials from happy customers on the product listing, which would encourage them to add the item to their shopping cart.

8. Post-order Email Campaigns (Recommendations)

Any order should provide a set of the customers’ email addresses. At the very least, you’ll use this method to do the following.

(1) validate the order, 

(2) express any questions or complaints about the order, and 

(3) notify the customer when their order has been approved or delivered.

However, those aren’t the only explanations to contact the clients after they’ve placed an order. A post-order email (done incorrectly, mind you) is a smart way to maximize potential purchases by suggesting complementary items or sizing choices that the buyer may like to buy on their next order, similar to in-cart up-selling and cross-selling.

9. Track Abandoned Orders

This one is simple to implement and concise in terms of how it can benefit the e-commerce solution. You will be able to reach customers who did not complete their orders (assuming you have their contact information) and inquire why they did not complete their order by monitoring abandoned orders in a database stored in your website’s Administrative Console.

This is a perfect way to figure out what’s wrong with your current shopping cart and checkout process, as well as other topics like product range, pricing, and unforeseen costs (like taxes and shipping).

At the very least, you’ll be able to watch when customers leave their shopping carts, which will aid in identifying trouble areas. You’ll be well on your way to optimizing the success of your e-commerce solution if you follow the advice above. Subscribing to our blog will provide you with more information about how to develop your website (if you are not already done so).

10. Add a Retailer Locator Tool to Your Website

Now, we can admit that this is counterintuitive to improving the e-commerce solution’s success, and we will agree with you at first. However, not all customers want to (or are familiar with) shopping online. As a result, allowing those customers the opportunity to quickly locate a location where they can purchase your product in person is a perfect way to catch such sales.

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