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What Skills Do You Need to Become a Blockchain Engineer

  • By Agira Technologies
  • May 29, 2018

In the era of Blockchain, We all are truly scary yet curious to see the future impact of Blockchain in the global market. On the go, Blockchain is a source that allows any individuals to create a business which would have the power to carry out the safe transactions without any hassles.
While some of us are just waiting for the storm to arrive and take us apart, Some Blockchain enthusiasts are just dived into the Blockchain to make the real storm. Yeah! The blockchain is on its gear to make a permanent mark in recreating the history of transactions.
If you’re new to Blockchain and don’t have an idea of where to start? Then this guide is for you! Hopefully, this guide would help you to outline the intellectual concepts and skills you need to acquire to become a successive Blockchain Engineer!

Feed yourself with the basics of Blockchain


Root To Blockchain

You should make the firm ground on blockchain with the very basic features like Cryptocurrency, Smart contracts, DApps, Ethereum, Wallets and so on.

Crypto Wallets

Know the design aspects of Wallets, API operations, usage of optimal wallet features that ensures to carry out hassle-free transactions.

Smart Contracts

Encourages the trusted self-executable transactions between Seller and buyer which can be easily trackable from both ends. On the flow, try to learn unit testing, Concept called upgradable contracts, Building Smart contract on RSK network.

Understand The Protocols Of Crypto Network

Go through the various concepts like Proof of work, inducing Digital signatures for both public and private keys.

[You can also learn 3 Types of Blockchain You Need To Know ]



Beware of DApps, Including DApp Architecture, Use cases, Learn to build an app that acts as a bridge between the Web application and Smart Contracts.


Develop the computational power to mine all the blocks, Enrich with Cryptocurrency and complete software & hardware of the system.


In order to enter into the ethereum, get yourself strong in solidity and Javascript.


Solidity is the Gateway used to implement Smart Contracts, and it’s a high-level language from which you can learn all the functions to enable Smart Contracts.

[Related 7 Marketing Tips for Blockchain Startups ]


Crypto Tokens

Learning the curve to create new token through Ethereum is an another added process of Blockchain so get familiar in creating Crypto tokens.
ICO another optimal operation of Blockchain. Earlier in our previous blog on Blockchain, we have discussed about ICO’s, if you want to take a Quick look about ICO then be sure that the term Initial Coin Offering is being referred as ICO which is subjected to sell Crypto tokens for the exchange of Bitcoin.
As we know, Blockchain is whole programming approach, On the go, There are several languages have been used to experiment to provide the optimal solution for Blockchain. But to be more precise, These are the essential languages for Blockchain development includes C++ ( used to develop Bitcoin), JavaScript, C#, Dragonchain, Python, Solidity and it’s also essential to know about distributed storage including RDBMS, No-SQL and so on. Besides all, Predicting the precise one from all that fits for your bitcoin is entirely separate skill and you should master in it too.
Having only core knowledge will not make us a complete Blockchain developer, You need to get expertise in HTML, CSS, Javascript and back-end databases.

How Can You Start With Blockchain?

There are more sources available on the internet that can surely help us to achieve in Blockchain. Here we list out the few resources that can educate us about Blockchain.

Related Online Resources

99 Bitcoins
Crypto Coin News

Books you can read,


Down The Rabbit Hole

The Complete And Comprehensive Guide To Understanding Blockchain Technologies

Above all, Quora is the best source where you can Question and answer and also it gives you a platform to learn everything you strive to know.
However, Blockchain is not limited to specific people like developers or entrepreneurs. Blockchain is for all, and there is something that everyone can learn from Blockchain and eventually that would help us to recreate future of Blockchain.
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Despite being a leading web & mobile development company in India, Agira Technologies acts as a central hub for Blockchain Technology. Our pool of blockchain experts never refuse to share their knowledge with us. You could get more blogs about Blockchain and latest technologies in coming days. Get tuned with us. You could also share your valuable ideas & thoughts with us in the comment section.
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AgiraTech is a technology company whose business services and domain solutions supports global clients who comprise the current world economy. Services we offer : Web development, Mobile App development, Blockchain, IoT and DevOps Consulting